Daikagura Performer
An Intangible Folk-Cultural Property of Tokyo.
Born in Kashiwa City, Chiba
Prefecture.Studied acting, lighting, costume making, and stage setting (1994-).Performed a theatrical piece entitled “YUME,” which is based on traditional Japanese performing arts, touring Germany, Switzerland, and Austria (1997-1998).Trained as a daikagura performer with Maruichi Senoh Troupe (1998-).Qualified as a performer of classical Japanese dance by the Bando School (2003).Became a member of Boizu Baraeti Kyoukai (“the association of popular entertainers”) (2010-).Became an independent daikagura performer (2012-)
Mexico Festival with arts (2002)
United Germany Switzerland Austria Ecuador Trinidad and Tobago Chile Colombia Hong Kong S.A.R. Singapore France China Brazil Cambodia etc.
Washington D.C Cherry Blossom Festival Centennial Memorial Festival (2012)